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Fairfax County Public Schools    Fairfax, VA
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Adult Enrichment Classes > What Adult Enrichment Class are you looking for: > Mind, Body, Wellness: > Aging and Medicare Classes:
HM05021   Aging and Health Bundle (Online Anytime)

Learn about various aspects that affect the way we age, including nutrition and physical activity, happiness and its effects on brain health, and the role of intimacy and sexuality. This series is designed for healthcare workers who are responsible for the care of older adults. You will complete three certificates: Certificate in Healthy Aging, Certificate in Gerontology, and Certificate in Brain Health. Discounts are not permitted. This class WILL NOT count towards FCPS Highschool Credit.

* This course runs for six weeks. There is no set time when you must access your lessons, allowing you to work at your own pace, on your own schedule, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On the course start date, the entire course is available to you and you will have access to all lessons until the course ends. Each lesson has a discussion area that is monitored by the instructor in which the students can post questions or comments.
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Course # HM05021
Total:  $339.00      
Location Rooms Days Time Begin Sec# Instructor Registration
Online N/A Su 01:00 AM 06/01/25 V320 Staff
 To register by phone, please call 703-658-1201.