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Adult Enrichment Classes > What Adult Enrichment Class are you looking for: > Hobbies and Other: > Writing Classes:
BE03477   Writing for Children (Online Anytime)

Discover what you need to know to write for children. If you are a beginning writer, this course will help you transform your book idea into a finished product. If you are an already successful writer, this course will help you explore new opportunities and markets for your work. You will explore the changing world of children's literature and understand the various formats, including picture books, chapter books, middle grade or young adult novels. You will get insights from publishing professionals to gain a better understanding of the needs of today's market. You will receive valuable tips about creating your manuscript, and even practice writing a query letter to submit to a publisher. By the time you finish this course, you will have all the tools and resources you will need to begin navigation the world of children's publishing and to continue growing as a writer for children.

* This course run for six weeks, Two lessons are released each week for the six-week duration of the course. Students do not have to be present when lessons are released. Each lesson has a discussion area that is monitored by the instructor in which the students can post questions or comments. Students will have access to all lessons until the course ends.
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Course # BE03477
Total:  $135.00      
Location Rooms Days Time Begin Sec# Instructor Registration
Online N/A Su 01:00 AM 06/01/25 V320 Staff
 To register by phone, please call 703-658-1201.