This online course is designed to help prepare students for the DMV Learner’s Permit Test. Students are eligible to take the Learner’s Permit in VA once they are 15 years and 6 months old. On average, 50% of students do not pass on their first attempt. The concepts covered in this test prep course will increase the chance for students to successfully complete the test. Major topics will include commonly missed signs, vocabulary, parking restrictions, right-of-way/yielding, license revocation/suspension (demerits), alcohol and drugs, recognizing and responding to hazards, and much more! Students will have the opportunity to take practice tests and receive immediate feedback as well......(THIS COURSE IS TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THE DMV LEARNERS PERMIT TEST. THIS IS NOT THE 8hr DMV RETEST COURSE THAT ALLOWS STUDENTS TO TAKE THE TEST FOR A 4TH TIME.)
IMPORTANT: “FCPS students should register for the class using their account. Non-FCPS students should use their personal email address when registering. A link will be sent to all registered students by noon on the day of the class.” |