With the cost of solar panels decreasing and federal legislation driving demand and funding for solar, now is the perfect time to focus on solar photovoltaics (PV). Our comprehensive solar installation certification course, designed by Everblue, provides you with in-depth knowledge and hands-on training in the installation and design of solar PV systems so you can become a highly skilled solar panel installer. During this solar panel installer certification course, you will learn the step-by-step process of installing solar panels, ensuring optimal energy production through proper placement and orientation. Next, we will guide you through the installation and integration of essential balance-of-system components, such as inverters, charge controllers, and battery banks. You will gain expertise in grid-tied and off-grid systems, empowering you to confidently design and install solar PV systems tailored to specific needs. This solar design course provides the educational prerequisites to sit for the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners® (NABCEP®) PV Installation Professional (PVDS) exam (40 hours of advanced installation/design training, 18 hours of general solar energy training, and 10 hours of OSHA Construction Safety). |