Adult and Community Education (ACE)
Fairfax County Public Schools    Fairfax, VA
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 Classes offered in:
Adult and Community
Education Programs (ACE)
Accelerated Workforce Education (AWE) Classes
ACE 4 Kids
Adult English Language Classes (ESOL)
Adult Enrichment Classes
Adult World Language Classes
Apprenticeship Programs/Classes
Business and Computer Programs/Classes
Certificate Programs/Classes
Driver Education Classes
Health and Medical Programs/Classes
Legal Certifications/Classes
Online Anytime Classes
Parenting Education Classes
Test Prep Classes
Trade and Industry Programs/Classes
VA Educators Professional Development
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Summer/Fall Learning Opportunities
Self-Directed On-Line Economics & Personal Finance
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 Hobbies and Other:
Cinema and Photography Arts:
Hobbies and Other:
Culinary Arts:
Mind, Body, Wellness:
Please select a class title below to view details and to register $ - Indicates the course allows a price discount for the indicated term
Hobbies and Other:
Adult/Child Classes:
BE03114Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for Maximum Student Achievement, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03123Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That Work, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03471Enhancing Language Development in Childhood, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03475Understanding Adolescents (Online Anytime)
HI09018Homeschool With Success, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09103Ready, Set, Read. Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
Art, Design, and Perfomance Classes:
BE03702Start Your Own Arts and Crafts Business, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI02055Introduction to Interior Design, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI06540Knitting 101: Getting Started
HI09023Music Made Easy, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09120Introduction to Interior Design, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
Finance And Legal Classes:
BE03101Keys to Successful Money Management, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03103Start Your Own Small Business, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03206The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03221Real Estate Investing, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03302Civil Litigation, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03303Civil Procedure, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03315Probate Law and Estate Planning, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03317Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My!, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03413Finance Your Retirement/Personal Finances, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03449Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09006Growing Plants for Fun and Profit, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09007How to Make Money From Your Writing, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09010Listen to Your Heart, and Success Will Follow, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09904Start Your Own Online Business, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09905Start a Pet Sitting Business, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09934Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09937Introduction to Stock Options, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
SM07506Introduction to Criminal Law, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
Genealogy Classes:
HI09026Genealogy Basics, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
Other Hobby Classes:
BE03020Start a Pet Sitting Business, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03100Keys to Effective Communication, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03314Persuasive Communication, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03431Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search (Online Anytime)
HI07000Capital Area Woodturners (CAW) Member Meetings
HI07000Capital Area Woodturners (CAW) Member Meetings
HI07001Introduction to Woodturning: Create Your Own Custom Pen
HI07005Turning for the Kitchen - Rolling Pin and Spurtle
HI07006Turning platters and plate
HI09005Get Funny!, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09014Start Your Own Edible Garden, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09020Marriage and Relationships: Keys to Success, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09022Merrill Ream Speed Reading, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09107Get Assertive!, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09130Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
SM07557How To Get Started in Game Development, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
Parents Educational Tips Classes:
BE03114Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for Maximum Student Achievement, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03117Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational Strategies, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03123Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That Work, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09018Homeschool With Success, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09103Ready, Set, Read. Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09935Introduction to Algebra, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09936Math Refresher, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09938Introduction to Statistics, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
Writing Classes:
BE03014Effective Business Writing, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03110Writing for ESL, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
BE03477Writing for Children (Online Anytime)
HI04167Writeriffic - Creativity Training for Writers, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI06441Beginning Creative Writing
HI09000Beginner's Guide to Getting Published, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09016Writing the Fantasy Novel, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09017Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09027Introduction to Journaling, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09101Introduction to Internet Writing Markets, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09105The Craft of Magazine Writing, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09900Write Your Life Story, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09902Research Methods for Writers, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09910Write and Publish Your Nonfiction Book, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09911Write Fiction Like a Pro, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)
HI09920The Keys to Effective Editing, Self-Paced (Online Anytime)